help in phy project- detailed working of a fire alarm?
Carbon Monoxide is an odorless and poisoness gas. The first step to take when your Carbon Monoxide detector goes off is to open all your windows to vent your house. According to A Healthy Me, you should also call 911 immediately.
It happened to us and we called the gas company and they found a leak from our furnace. You dont need to be running it , if the piolot light is on there is gas. We were told to get out and stay out until we had it repaired. This is not something to guess about. You need to get a gas repairman in asap and stay out until then. It is not likely that two alarms would malfunction.
You need to get out of that house with your little ones now. Do not take any risks. Carbon Monoxide Poisoning can be fatal especially to little ones. Tomorrow you can have someone check the house to see if it is a false alarm. The symptoms may seem subtle at first. And with little ones you may not even realize there is something wrong till its to late. I have had this twice in my life. It can kill you. Please get out until you have someone check your home.
If its completely off(not plugged in either) then the alarm wont go off. if you turn if off or it ran out of power, then plug it in to charge, the alarm will go off at the set time
Get out its better safe than sorry i stayed in once when one was going off i just took the battery out i didn't know what that was a few minutes afterwords someone knocked on the door and told me to get the [profane] out because there was a toxic gas in there i said what is that? and went back in and she grabbed me and dragegd me out lol im glad she did because the furnace wan't burning properly and could have killed me.