A plumber came in to change our bathtub to a shower and was supposed to remove the tub, move the drain and fixtures, and place a &shower pan&. The &pan& he placed was simply a rubber sheet - it says shower pan liner - through the drain assembly and up about a foot on the walls. There is NO sloped mortar placed under it, and the liner droops where the old drain was located. He said this is &the shower pan& and that I had to place sloped mortar over it and then tile. In all of the websites I can find, the sloped mortar was placed first, the pan liner was put down to slope the water toward the drain, and then another mortar slope was placed and tiled over. Did the plumber do it wrong??!!! Is a liner over a flat concrete surface a &shower pan&? I don't want to complain if they are correct, but I don't want to pay for it if it's wrong either - they charged $475 for this!!!I'm scared the water is just going to pool and eventually leak. It's a new house if that somehow matters.Thanks so much for any advice.
Its rare but in some places they have special pools where you can were clothes, tho its not anything special about swimming with clothes
Another thing is mold.very toxic.
You could ask the pool manager or lifeguard if they'd let you try it. They might let you do it during slow periods or adult swim hours. Normally they don't, as it's definitely a safety issue, not to mention the potential for dirt, grease or chemicals from your clothes getting into the water. That's why most public pools require swimming attire and a shower rinse-off before going in.