what is the biggest size tank (in gallons) that you could have on the second floor of a house?
If your house is in good condition and was built to code, it will take a 75 gallon no problem. You could probably go up to a 90. I would recommend putting the tank up against a wall as opposed to the middle of the room or something. Most stands are designed to go up against a wall anyway. A good rule of thumb is 1 gallon is roughly 10 pounds plus the gravel, glass, and stand. A 75 will probably weigh around 850-900 pounds.
We have a 150 gallon on the second floor, (basement is beneath). We have the tank going opposite of the wood beams spreading the weight evenly.
well a floor is built to handle lots of weight. think of it this way... every gallon is about 10-12 pounds, tank is also added weight(depending on the size) then all the equipment and decorations... i'd say a 50 gallon would weight from 600 - 800 pounds. but like i said before, the floor is meant to handle the weight. you should have no problems if you don't go too big. good luck!
If your floor wont hold a 75gal tank, then you need to move as your house is likely to fall down any day. A large book case or a couch with three adults weighs around the same. But make sure the tank stand spreads the weight across the full lenght, and try and position the tank next to a load bearing wall on the ground floor. Ian