Im replacing the water pump in my 1992 toyota celica, and i cant get the pully off! i have been working hard for like an hour, i took the belts off. all i have is good old fashoned sockets and crescent wrenches. do i need to get the pully off? and is it lefty loosey and righty tighty or righty loosy lefty tighty?? because sometimes i hear they reverse it. thanks- jordan
you need to loosen the alternator and or powersteering and or aircon ,then yourwaterpump will come off ,do not have to remove any pullys.
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Before you waste another minute get your hands on a Chiltons, or other good auto repair manual. I've never see a replacement water pump without a pulley on it, that didn't have a hub for the non-electric fan to bolt to. Get the new pump with a pulley already on it.
I am sure you would have to get the pulley off in order to access the bolts holding the water pump on. Is there not 4 bolts holding the pulley on? I agree with Don below here. My experience with toyota water pumps was with my 1986 toyota pickup where the pulley did come off after removing the fan.
I think the water pump for this car is timing belt driven, and the pulley is part of the pump. Don't you have the new pump to look at? If it's not driven by the timing belt, then you remove the 4 bolts counter-clockwise, then the pulley should slide off.