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I have a school project due tomorrow and its called extra effort. I need to make an Iroquois mask and I got my materials but I don't know what mask to do!! I need a credible mask and I also need to write and index card on it. Please show me a photo and info about it. I NEED THE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


You hate the NHL just because of the instigator rule?
Sean A nine inch Ulock would be the smallest I would get. You want bike rack, frame and tires. Like Bob A, knowing the UC theft issues, I would also suggest that you get a 5/8's inch cable lock to use in conjunction with the Ulock. I saw a 6 ft x 5/8 in cable lock made by Schalge at Lowe's. It has its' own locking system, I was very impressed by the lock and the qualities. In high theft areas I would suggest that you take the saddle and even the front wheel with you. Keep the bike locked in your dorm or apartment, standing on the rear wheel in a corner of a room or wardrobe. Lock it there too! Soccerref

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