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Hiking solar power to charge a camera battery pack?

Hello,I would like to know if anyone is aware of a solar power panel, such as GoalZero, that can charge a digital cameras battery pack. I have a Canon SLR and would like a panel to not only charge my AAA's batteries, Droid, and GPS, but most imprtantly the battery pack for my SLR.I haven't been able to find an adapter to charge a battery pack, as most solar panels utilize USB ports. The battery pack that comes with the camera must be installed into a device that plugs into the wall outlet.I would appreciate your help.Thank you all in advance.


it's a whole lot easier to by extra batteries than get a solar charger. i searched for years to find something worth carrying and found nothing. i got 3 extra batteries for my Panasonic Lumix TS2. now i'm good for about 4 days video and pictures and it cost me $45. Got an extra cell phone battery for $11 and got 4 rechargeable batteries for my GPS that will last 3 days for $8. in other words it cost me $64 and i'm good for any long weekend. got the rechargeable AA at the source (radio shack) and the other batteries through philoshop.ca
Forget Solar charging while backpacking. even a 5W panel which is 12 by 24 will take over half the day to do the charging. Unless you want to sit all day and charge, extra batts are the way to go.

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