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Hoe can I make curls stay in my hair after using a curling iron?

I've just recently started using a curling ironAfter I'm finished curling my hair, first instinct is to pull a comb or brush through my newly0curled hair to make it look neater, and help with the bit of frizz.My hair is naturally thick and stick-straight and not easy to curl, but I finally have an iron that makes it curl! So I was very excited.But the second I pull the comb or brush through, the curls deflate and go awayI wait til my hair has cooled and it STILL ruins the curls.Is there anything I should do before or after curling to help it stay?I really love the curls.Help?


Oooo fun!! ok so if you are into girlyish stuff then you should totally do makeovers and have like a fashion showlike get out a bunch of wacked out clothes and make a lil runwayhave a kareoke machine? those are always fun!! you definetley need to have tons of junk food and SUGAR!! plus lots of chic flicks or scary moviesjust be CRAZY!!

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