Friend of mine is thinking of getting an older rear-wheel drive 4-Runner to use as transportation to ski resorts. Anyone know how a non-4WD 4-Runner performs on snowy roads?
You are off to a great start by asking for help. Try to remember that there are organizations that assist people with these difficulties on a frequent basis. You may do well to follow their recommendations. Good resources include the Salvation Army, Goodwill, and the American Red Cross as well as your local area churches. Often co-workers or fellow students of the family members are generous helpers. If you have a community bulletin board, post a notice regarding the house fire along with a suggested place for contributions to be gathered.
It can be used as a radiation source to be used in X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy, it can also be used to gauge glass thickness to help create flat glass. Since it is radioactive it can be used as a starting point for other radioactive elements and if I remember there is research underway to use it as a replacement for Plutonium as a radioactive heat source for use in Radioisotope Thermoelectric Generators or RTGs like the one used to power the Mars rover Curiosity. I hope that answers your question!