My best friend was in a car with his friends halloween night and some punks ran up and sprayed them with the powdery type fire extinguisher. He said it got in his eyes and his lungs still hurt the next day..will he be okay??? i mean are there like long term effects from that stuff or what??
if you look at the fuse cover, you should see dedicated fuses for those. They should also tell you the fuse value. You can also go to an automotive supply store like Kraegens and they can look at it for you and sell you the right fuses. It's just a pull out, pop in type replacement.
really well constructed but i would add about 1 or 2 more scrape iron scarecrows and take out 1 bone crusher hope this helps
Well, glycerin bars are available at Joann's Fabrics and Michael's. I believe that would replace the lye and, also the solid fats. Glycerin is pure and does not need the fats to set up. I had a soap making kit awhile back, but it got damaged. I want to buy some ingredients and molds. I have a question for you. Would Vitamin E oil go into soap like the other oils do? I guess it could be stirred into the melted glycerin then poured into my molds?