How can i attach a wifi chip to a smoke detector so i can create an ip address for it?
you say that until you get something in them. I didnt wear any when I was using the weed-eater Tuesday and got something in my eyes more than once.Im gonna at least wear my sunglasses next time! its better than nothing.
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great. you resolved the problem before it cost you a lot of money. a kinked vent hose or clogged hose can cause a thermal fuse to blow in your dryer. A good early warning sign of a clogged vent is long drying times with excessive heat. another is lint on the backside of the lint filter and around the door seal. I would recommend you getting a extended warranty on your dryer if you don't already have one and have it checked out. Lint will build up inside the machine when the vent is plugged. It has to go somewhere. This causes an extremely flammable situation. I also recommend to everyone to install a battery powered smoke alarm over their dryer if it is in a remote location such as a basement or if there is a door that is closed when you are doing laundry so you don't have to hear it run. A fire in either of these locations can get out of control real fast before you would know about it. A smoke alarm nearby may go off but a fire may be out of control already by the time the smoke is able to get below the floor joists or door frame to activate a nearby smoke alarm. consider your options: a $5 smoke alarm or your home or worse. only makes sense to install the smoke detector. It could save your life or a loved ones life. A lint fire in a clothes dryer can be fully engulfed in less than a minute. another 2 or 3 and your home is on fire.