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How can I build an underground shooting range?

I was looking to build an underground shooting range, like extended off of my basement. How can I go about doing this? I need it to be big enough to fire weapons, but also completely quiet so the neighbors and my family won't be disturbed by the noise. I would love to be able to go down there whenever I wanted and shoot off a few rounds. How should I start doing this? I really don't care about getting building permits or anything, so I want to do this on my own rather than just hire a construction company. Thanks


When shooting pistols for practice, the target is typically placed at distances from as close as 7 feet to as far away as 75 feet. Shooting ranges are large enough to accomodate the area from the firing line to the target (including the back-stop) and the additional areas behind the firing line used for administrative logistical purposes. A building measuring 100 feet long by 100 feet wide could (theoretically) be constructed as a shooting range.
There is a 100 yard indoor range near where I live, and I have visited a 300 yard indoor range (was built underground).
RE: How can I build an underground shooting range? I was looking to build an underground shooting range, like extended off of my basement. How can I go about doing this? I need it to be big enough to fire weapons, but also completely quiet so the neighbors and my family won't be disturbed by the noise. I would love to be able to go down there...
Underground Shooting Range

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