im making this little driving range thing for golf and i need to know how i can connect a net to a pvc pipe so it is on there REALLY good and sturdy? the net is going to be hanging from a horizontal pvc-pipe hanging from the ceiling. and another on the bottom of the net near the floor. thanks
Depending on the size of netting you could use a C-Clamp or if possible use a bunch of zip-ties. atleast thats what I used for a batting cage.
You might try stainless steel compression clamps like for automobile radiator hoses. These are available at your auto parts store, and most home improvement centers have them (Lowe's) in all sizes. They will not slip, nor will they rust, and they're re-usable, over and over. They are quite cheap and come several in a package...
There is a piece of hardware that the name escapes me. It is placed around hoses and tightened with a screw driver. Look behind your clothes dryer and see how the vent is attached to the dryer. That thing. They come in all different sizes.
I'd look into the attachment devices that hold plastic to greenhouse hoop frames. Those hold up to pretty good forces, and greenhouses are often made of pvc pipes. I'm thinking the attachments look like a piece of pvc pipe with a slit on one side, and they snap into place, over the fabric.
Plastic zip ties. They are inexpensive and will work perfectly. I have used this method to hold safety nets in machinery.