Home > categories > Security & Protection > Alarm > how can i get cat hair off my jacket?

how can i get cat hair off my jacket?

its mostly wool. iv tried a lint roller thing, duct tape, a glove that had rubber spike things on it. its a cat hair magnet and its just a pain to get out. last year in the winter i felt like the cat lady at my school lol. any tips?i didn't know if i should put this a cloths section or cat but im pretty sure cat peoples have had the same problem toothank yous :D


I guess it depends. Most guys just hold it with two fingers. Some guys find a way to do without touching it. It all really depends.
The alarm needs to be turned off to start the car. Unplug the battery, find the car alarm fuse in the fuse box and take it out, then try to start the car. Or get it towed to the dealership. it should still have warranty. Same thing happened to my g/f's brother's car, but it might not work because it wasn't a Lexus ]!!
Try locking the doors, unlocking the passenger door, or the trunk.

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