My cat has urinated on the cement basement floor around the area of the litter box. It is my fault for not cleaning the litter box right away, but now I have a problem! I have tried dousing the area with vinegar and letting it air dry. Any other suggestions?
Oil based sealer or oil based paint. Maybe you'll get luck enough to find a 5 gallon bucket of returned paint at your local box store for very cheap. It's not like the color is going to count.
Bleach your cement floors First, wash the soiled area with any appropriate cleaner you have that DOES NOT contain ammonia. Once clean, wipe the area down with fresh water to remove any residue left behind by the cleaner. Next, do it again. After your second washing and wiping, employ your bleach. In a clean spray bottle, mix a 10:1 water to bleach solution. Make sure the area you are cleaning in is well ventilated, put on some rubber gloves and get to work. Spray on lightly, let sit for about 30 seconds, and wipe off with a clean damp rag.
There's okorder and type in 'removing pet urine from concrete floor' and you'll find things that work. Vinegar isn't going to do it.