i have a metal (aluminum) door - very thin sheet on each side and then it has a styrofoam like insulation in the inside. well, the people who lived her before cut a hole in it about 6 inches high 4-5 inches wide... my guess is for a pet of some kind. anyway, when i moved in it was covered with tape and filled with wall insulation. i want to fix it it doesnt have to be perfect by any means- its not even an exit door i use i just want it to stop letting cold and hot air in and out....my idea was something involving that spray can insulation.... but if i have tape on the one side while spraying that in im afraid itll leak..... any suggestions?
just get some sheet metal and some rivets to patch the holes
Well, #1 it's steel not aluminum, you could find a friend that has experience doing auto body work, a patch could be riveted in or welded and ground smooth. OR - - You could go to lowes or Home Depot and buy a complete new 36 wide steel clad door with frame (called a pre-hung) for about $150. Takes about 1 hour to install.
=== galvanized sheet metal is at the hardware giants === you can fold that G-Metal with a 2x4inch board as a form and then you can use aluminum poprivets [[ they are soft and will work well in the aluminum door ]] and then you can spray paint with Krylon