My young kitten is on the kitchen counters and I don't want her there, what is a safe way to teach her, I have tried the water squirt and isn't working? I need help NOW
Jelly roll pan? 9 x 13 pan?
You can use foil but you will need to grease it first with butter so that the cookies won't stick.
I've never used a cookie sheetI use foil which works greatJust rub some oil (not too much) on the foil and that's it.
Several things: Keep bowls of oranges lemons and limes on the counters you don't want her onUse a citrus scented cleaner to on them because cats don't like the smellYou could put some two way tape (you know the tape that's sticky on both sides) on the countersCats don't like walking on sticky stuffYou could take some aluminum foil and lightly squish it up and then flatten it out so its still wrinkled and put that on the countersCats don't like walking on that either.