Our toddler is a very quick little guy and him accessing our desk is a large problem. The problem is our son being able to climb the desk chairs and possibly fall off of them. We have huge and heavy metal chairs but that doesn't stop him from pushing them out and climbing to pull the keys off my husbands laptop. Is there a special device that could keep a chair latched onto a desk when not in use?Moving computers and closing doors aren't options since we live in a studio apartment.
We got rid of the rolling desk chair and replaced it with a dining room chair until our son was big and agile enough to get up and down safely. We store the keyboard on top of the monitor when it's not in use. Babies can pull keys off laptops quite easily (mine is currently missing 4 keys) so I keep it up on a table where he can't reach it. He likes to look at some stuff with me on it so I have basically taught him that when we are looking at the internet, if he grabs the keys, the laptop gets closed immediately. So he has slowly figured out that if he is enjoying looking at something, then he better keep his hands to himself...
I don't know exactly what your desk is like but can you put a couple hooks into the side and put a bungee cord around the back of the chair to lock it in place? My son learned real quick if he touched the laptop he got in trouble so he rarely reaches for it now. However we have a cheap office chair on roller wheels that he likes to get on and zoom around the house. The bungee cord does not work with this kind of chair/desk as he learned to tilt it and slide it out. Finally we gave up because the fun he has on the chair outweighs any punishment we gave him so we let him fall off the chair and hurt himself a couple times and he is a lot more careful now. Hasn't stopped him from playing on it but he is a lot more cautious! Sometimes it feels mean but it can be the best way to teach a child what not to do sometimes. Remember that kids are tough and a fall that might break one of our bones or knock us out is usually just a bump/bruise and a 10 minute crying fit. You'd be amazed at how soon a little one is all better with the mention of a lollipop or Popsicle! Good luck!!
Get rid of your dangerous chairs and replace them with stationary chairs that are less likely to injure him. Get him a little table, chair, and toddler computer and tell him he can sit there, and to not sit at your desk chairs. Give him time outs any time he gets on your computer chairs. Once he's trained to not get on your chairs, you can return the original chairs if that is more comfortable for you.
I'm sorry, what does living in an apartment have to do with being unable to put a laptop on a shelf or in a cupboard? Why don't you keep the desk chairs away from the desk, and just take them up to the desk when you are using them. They have wheel locks, don't they? There's a big difference between pushing them a few inches and a few yards.