How can you obtain press pass if you want to jump from amateur photography to professional, and what about the sports events like games of NBA, NHL, NFL etc.
Try putting a little sign in your hat that says Press. It works in the movies! Hey Jenna.... your Legal Briefs are on too tight.... this is a joke answer!
You need accreditation from a publisher, (Magazine or Newspaper), or you need to get accreditation from a photographic agency. Look in the Photographers Year Book.
bad idea bro_doggle. you could have a law suit stuck to your you know what. if you aren't looking for a full time job with the press, try to get an internship at your local newspaper. you won't have the hours of a full time job; maybe just make your availability the weekends. regardless, you'll get experience you need and the press pass you want!
Jose, The professional sports photographers you see at the major games are all there with a magazine or publication of some type. Obtaining press passes as an individual is close to impossible. However, you would contact the publicity company of whoever the home team is. They are who have the final say (not the vendor) of whether or not you can get a press pass. Veteran photographers have seasonal press passes for certain teams which also works out quite nicely. If you want to jump into pro, I'd say start off at your local newspaper. Photographing high school sports, local sporting teams, etc. Then, after you've built a portfolio, start looking to actual publications. Even if they say they'll do you freelance, they can still provide you with press passes.