Today I was driving and I was trying to get around a corner, but when I turned the wheel my car just kept going straight and I ended up in someones driveway. My mom was pissed she said If it happened again she will take away my liscence until I'm 18 (I'm 15 now).So I do I keep from sliding? My car is a Toyota front wheel drive corolla and it has really small road tires. I live in Idaho, so roads are bad. Also my car has no ABS. I try to go as slow as I can, but my. If I go too slow i get stuck in the deep parts of the snow :/
Two kinds: 1.for engine,it has fire detector surround the engine body. Over heat shall be detected by the sensor to trigger the alarm system. 2.for other area,many smoke detectors are intalled to monitor any smoke particale. Some detector can detect both over heat (120 C) and smoke. Very old aircraft did not have smoke detector because smoking was allowed at that time. Fighter and cargo plane did not have smoke detector because it disturbs the normal operation (faulty alarm).
yes. the alarm is wired to go off when the door is opened, however that may happen