How difficult is it to ride a motorcycle if you are blind in one eye?
Edit A simple and natural body heat detector would be to hide a caged rattlesnake under his chair. The initial reaction to the recognizable detection signal will most likely involve some screaming and thrashing about , but after a few episodes and things get back to normal, you can just listen carefully for the heat responding buzz. Since there is no carbon footprint as it needs no coal- generated electric power supply this will be an environmentally friendly response system ; you only need to purchase an occasional mouse out of the coffee fund. As a bonus, children of the other office workers can display an occasional snake skin at school for Show and Tell .
Here, we just call their desk. If they answer, they are at their desk.
Summit Racing. Search for Line Lock. Don't forget the installation kit. If you have ABS this would also need to be disabled, usually by simply pulling the fuse to the system.