how do hydrogen fuel cell cars work? what are the fuel possibilities honda has come with?Pros and COns?
Honda has a fuel cell (look them up yourself on how they work, the other poster has given a nice simple explanation). The Honda is not for sale as no one can afford one, instead you can lease them. To fill the tank with H2 gas, Honda will also lease a H2 generator that gets H2 from natural gas. About 95% of all H2 comes from burning natural gas, about 2% from electrolysis of water. In any case, to make H2 gas you apply 100 units of energy and get 50 units of energy out in the form of H2 gas, so its very inefficient. As for being clean, well, the car is clean, but the place where the H2 is made is just as dirty as other cars. Don't you just hate it when you don't get the whole story!! Anyone that uses H2 as a fuel is wasting valuable energy and should be told the error of their ways. But, they are typically only interested in making a quick buck.
sorry but that other answer is wrong, hydrogen fuel cells don't burn the hydrogen they combine it back with oxogen from the air to release electricity when it form water again, the water just drips out the tail pipe and the electricity is used to power the motor is it complicated but basically there are very thin plates that act like filters where the hydrogen and oxogen pass through to each other where they release electrons which then run along the plate to the motor hydrogen is basically used like a very powerful battery to run an electric car the only down side of this technology is the way you choose to make the hydrogen there are three ways to make it, easiest way is to put electrodes in water and collect the hydrogen as it separates from the oxogen but you need to create the electricity to make it separate so if you are using say a coal fired power plant for your electricity then you are kinda counteracting the clean power benefits from using the hydrogen
honda are planning to make another one, a much more better and revised version of hydro cars, new concepts and styles, lets just wait and see if people will be interested with their works, but actually it cost too much and thats what makes me sick.