Someone tried to break in my house and took one screen out of the window and ripped it, I'm trying to replace the screen, I bought the material, but I'm not sure how to do it? I'm sick of getting robbed
first try a smaller load on a cooler setting and see if that helps. Check both your lint catcher and your exhaust hose in the back for blockage. If after cleaning both and the cooler cycle still shutting off on you then you probably need a new heating element. That may not necessarily be wirth replacing- cost wide you might be better off getting a new one altogether. good luck!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Just turn off your ihome all together! Unplug it or if you just want the alarm clock to never set off just click alm. on/off button. After you do this make sure there is no alarm clock symbol on the screen if there still is, press the button again. And when you get home just press the same button to turn the alarm clock back on.
Yep, I remember when they cut the orange trees down and piled them into huge piles. We used to cut up, bruised and scraped breaking the branches off and little crawlways inside until we had a really neat fort. We even afterwards when the weeds in the fields got 5 feet high, used to dig tunnels that could have collapsed at any time for hundreds of feet to a huge dug in the ground fort we covered with plywood and dirt, complete with escape hatches in case we got caught. Yeah those were the days. Of course with the orange groves gone we couldn't throw oranges when we got in fights with neighbor kids so we threw rocks. I suppose that was risky but only one kid got hurt when he got hit in the head. But he was fine the next day. Maybe our heads were stronger then too.