When do you have to replace a fire alarm? How do I choose a fire alarm that will replace the one on my ceiling? Never have shopped for one before!
The only way they are LEGALLY allowed to search your glove compartment and/or trunk is if the person gives consent. If the person does NOT give consent, they are required to obtain a search warrant. Now, if they see anything illegal (plain view doctrine), they are allowed to search what is in the officer's view. The reason they have the person step out of the vehicle is for the officer's safety.
If you are an adult that is over the age of 18 and you download or View any inappropriate material of what can be considered a child a child is someone under the age of 17 years old 18 is 100% safe but nobody will prosecute you for looking at a 17 year old you can get 20 years in prison very easy for the possession of one single picture of something that is considered a child in a sexual position don't take chances the FBI does not play they break your door down grab your cell phone to grab your computer and they rushed you straight to jail where you will sit for two and a half years waiting for a trial