I have tried rug cleaning sprays and powders and vacummed it many times. I don't know what else to do and don't want to replace my rug!
vinager or lestoil - you can shampoo with it too - alot of those sprays do not kill enzymes
Saturate the area with a spray called ODOBAN. Wal-Mart under the Febreeze only it actually works and it is cheaper. I use it in my boys' bathroom as they are smelly little buggers.
White vinegar--it relatively is a large deodorizer, even on puppy urine. Plus it relatively is low-fee, organic, and works as a cloth softener,so it leaves the carpet delicate. It would not pass away a residue as many detergents and soaps do, meaning it won't entice dirt interior the destiny. The vinegar scent dissipates because it dries.