Do you get a lot of flak for reading cards? Just curious - are you male or female? And a little off topic, but do you think it's wrong to read tarot cards for yourself?
yes i read the cards. I read them to try find answers
I am female. I use actually use an oracle instead of traditional tarot. I do not get ridiculed for using them, I use them in addition to another gift to help others. I read them for myself occasionally to help me gain insight on troubling matters. There are other forms of divination in which I am more proficient and I tend to use those more often. Blessings )O(
I got interested in them years ago. They have been around for centuries infact a friend of mine bought an Italian deck that's hundreds of years old. I don't read for myself as it is confusing and sometimes hard to be objective about yourself. I do not think it is wrong to read the tarot cards. I never got flak from my catholic family for reading the cards, I was asked to read for them a few times. I am female. I no longer read the cards but hope to take it up again in the future.
I've been reading them for about 5 years now and I got started while going through a very rough time in my life and I wanted to find out what the future had in store for me. I tried it just for that purpose and have been hooked ever since. I have taken some flak from a few people, mostly because of the religious factor. But I don't pay much attention to that, I'm not a religious person. And, no I don't think it's wrong to read for yourself. It's just that sometimes reading for yourself you have a tendency to see what you want rather than what the cards may be trying to tell you. My best advice, get a friend involved and do readings for each other.
Actually once it is known that I do readings, I get beseiged with people wanting them. People seem desperate for advice even if it is only to disregard it. I am male. I also do astrological readings but that I do professionally. I got started reading cards when I was looking for some guidance myself. I studied with a pretty talented reader and learned that the cards are a focus device. Each client brings themselves to the reading. A good reader just asks the client what they see, how they see themselves in the card. It is not wrong to read for oneself, but I rarely now do. Funny thing, I find I put too much of my expectations into the cards. If I am now looking for wisdom, I generally consult the I Ching. I like the Kwan Yin Book of Changes version by Diane Stein.