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How do I get in my locked Sentry Safe?

When I closed it, both of my keys were inside, and I didn't realize that it would lock by itself. The Sentry safe is fire proof and water proof. The key is tubular. The lock is also made to resist expert lock picking and attacking of the lock. I have $300 worth of giftcards in my safe, so I really need to open it. I also left the paper that had all my information like my serial nuber and model number of my safe, so I don't have the proper information to provide to get my keys replaced. What do I do. Would a lock smith be able to open it, or make a new tubular key for it.


Why are you allowing this stupid drama into your life?! I know you won't listen to anyone's advice on here since you have gone this far with letting this looser into your life. But do yourself a favor and cut off all contact/communication - everything with him. No texts/emails/calls/letters - NOTHING.
water flow area * speed convert m/s to cm/s 4.53m/s 453cm/s radius 13/2 6.5 cm water pi r^2 * speed water flow pi (6.5)^2 * 453 water flow 60,097.245 cm^3/s or about 3605.83 L/min 25min * (60s/ 1min) * 60,097.245cm^3/s 90145867 cm^3 1L 1000cm^3 90145867 cm^3 * (1L / 1000cm^3) 90145.9L Edit: you might want to check my calculation

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