Home > categories > Machinery & Equipment > Gantry Cranes > How DO I GET INTERNET ON LINUX OPEN SUSE?!?!?!!?


not used to linux OS.especially OPEN SUSE!!! I cannot find any options or settings and I've tried and opened everything from start and yast also.I just simply need to somehow add my Internet connections IP address and push that out.but cannot seem to find this option.I'm not sure if I need to add my NIC manually and then add an I.Pfrom there I tried that but couldn't save the page because there is no save button/setting for this option!!!


your problem isn't with Linux or openSUSE; before you can access Internet from a virtual machine you have to share the host's internet connection with the guestsin your vmware server / workstation / player you have to select the virtual machine and configure its internet access; - NAT if you have a cable connection without router - bridged connection if you have either a dedicated router or an ADSL MoDem with a build in router openSUSE will configure the Internet access automatically as soon as the connection is correctly setup and available.
Really, you're blanketing him depends entirely on whether he grows a sufficient winter coat or notIf he grows a nice coat, he'll probably be fine with the medium on only the coldest days (20)If he does not grow a good coat, you'll probably need to get a heavy weight good luck :)
When you need a sweatshirt to be out at the barn, he needs the lightweight sheet when he's outsideWhen you need a coat and gloves to go get him from the pasture, he'll probably want his heavyweightConsider clipping him so that he doesn't overheat under his blankets or get chilled after a workoutIf you don't clip him, keep the cooler on handYou'll want to use that so he's completely dry when he heads back outside.
If you need a sweatshirt that does NOT mean your horse needs anything lol.just sayingOkay, if your horse goes without a blanket all year around then he will be able to grow his furry winter coat and should be fine but here are things to consider1Does he have shelter to go under? He definitely needs that2Is it cold/windy AND rainy? If it's just one or the other then he will likely be fine, but both will make him chilled3Monitor himIf he is shivering then his coat is not doing the trick and he needs some blanket helpI take it day by day to see if my horses need blanketsOne of them can go through snowy/rainy/freezing days just fine, the other needs a blanket in just the rainSo it's an individual thing tooGood luckYou can always consult a vet/trainer.
Don't mess him up with a blanket unless you are planning on riding him hard (which makes heavy hair stay wet and sweaty too long in the cold), or unless he refuses to grow a winter coat, or unless you are planning on showing at very advanced shows As noted, a blanket forces his hair down, and removes any chance he has to monitor his own temperature by fluffing or flattening his winter hairYou will force him to accept whatever temperature the blanket keeps him at, and while barn temperatures stay pretty steady, shelters and pastures can change a whole lot in temperature in a short timeIf you are working him frequently to the point of getting him really sweaty, then a blanket might be needed to keep him from hairing up so heavily that the sweat won't dry If he stands out in the shelter at 20 degrees in a slick summer coat and shivers constantly, then he will need a blanket, because he failed Growing a Winter Coat 101I did have an app gelding who did that, and we did have to blanket him during the winter If you are showing him, for example, at quarter horse shows, then you will need him under lights, with a blanket and hood, to keep him slick and shiny for the show penI doubt that is the case with you, or you wouldn't put him on pasture boardLighting an entire pasture is a bit too challenging, I should think!

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