There are a couple fire ant mounds around my pond. It's a small pond (200 gal) and I have goldfish in the pond. I don't want to use any chemicals because it would end up going into the water and kill the fish.
Like Good luck and wear your goggles! :)
Bed wetting is not like potty training during the day. It's something that is more of a learned response when the body is ready which is why I would keep diapers on her at night. Many kids from 3 to teenage years wet the bed and have the need to wear protection at night (diapers). Our doctor explained to us that as the child grows, the bladder sometimes does not grow as fast which is called an immature bladder. It's a stage where kids go through to where the sensory to wake the child is not there due to the immature bladder hence the child wets the bed because the bladder will empty. This stage typically happens after a child has been potty trained. Plus as children grow the heavier sleepers the become which doesn't help. It is not something you can train a child for at night. My son is 5 and I still put him in disposable diapers every night because of bed wetting. I was also a bed wetter and wore disposable diapers at night for a very long time until I could stay dry so the age when kids grow out of the bed wetting stage can vary. I would diaper at night until she can get out of the bed wetting stage. Even though she may feel embarrassed or does not want to wear a diaper to bed, our doctor said with kids being this young it will not effect their self esteem by diapering them and it lets everyone get a restful nights sleep and less laundry for you to be keeping up with. It's all about communication and how you let the child know there are pleanty of kids that wear diapers to bed and its not that big of deal.
so ok, get over it get a better fitting/looking pair than you have been using AND WEAR THEM better to be safe and a little goofy looking while you work rather than injured and disfigured next we will be hearing about the farmers tan issues everyone developed this summer
Well, if you want to lose your eye, don't wear them. I didn't once, and got a huge piece of plant material in my eye. Thank goodness it didn't pierce my eyeball. I have never forgotten my goggles again.
There are many different kinds of safety goggles Check out places like AIH, Electrical supply shops, home depot and lowes but you can also go to places that sell uniforms for medical employees, they will have a good variety. Goggles are very important! If you think you look funny in goggles imagine what you will look like if you damage an eye.