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how do I get skinny thighs?

For the past couple of months I've been exercising alot, running (10 mins round the block - 5 times a week), swimming (3000m an hour - 3 times a week) and doing spinning at the gym on the bike (30 mins - once a week).Its really showing on the bottom part of my leg, and my tummy. Everytime i run the bottom part of my leg ache and thats were it feels like i've worked on, its really toned up. But my thighs have stayed the same, there still flabby and i hate it, and nothing seems to be burning the fat of them unless running is helping them and my thighs just dont ache? Is there any kind of exercises i can do at home or anywhere, which will work on my thighs?! Its mostly the inside of my thighs, it looks awful.thanks for any help :) i will appreciate it! xxxx


Yeah, Have a Happy New Year, Pyro
Although I have seen co-sleeping work and not work, It was never something that I wanted to do personally. To be very honest It scared me. :( I was always afraid that I'd fall too asleep or my husband would or what if this what if that ya know. And I couldn't put the worry out of my mind, so it became obvious to me that I wouldn't be doing it. Now, if our kids were or are ever sick there is a spot right between me and daddy waiting and the older they get the more comfortable I get. (my son is 16 months and my daughter is 3 and a half years) Besides the kicking, I can sleep when our daughter is in bed with us. But my son, I still worry about so the nights he needs a cuddle between us, I don't sleep. :( Most of my reasons for NOT co sleeping arise from fear. And I think that that is understandable. People say there are no cases, or hardly any, but, I actually have someone in my family who smothered her baby maybe that's why it runs so deep with me. :( Other reasons are that My mom co-slept with my sister (only her) and they didn't manage to get her out of bed with them till she was 7! That's crazy! I mean, she started it becasue she was breastfeeding every 2 hours and if you breastfeed a feeding can take up to an hour to finish so, this was the only way she could get sleep. I understand why she started it just made it harder down the road though. In order to feel the closeness and safety I needed with my baby, I opted for a bassinet by the bed till my kids were 3months and then, a crib in the same room till they were 6 months. We moved them to their own rooms after that because they started realizing that we were in the room and they wanted to play when they saw us and couldn't get the sleep they needed. But the rooms were right next door, and we used baby monitors. Whatever you decide, be careful. Best of Luck. Have a great Day.

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