I want to know how to gradually increase my bench press max? and any other helpful weight lifting tips
Establish your max. An easy way is to do 5 reps to failure and look on a bench press chart (google) to find your theoretical max press. Keep good form, once you know your max do a bench pyramid system (google). Before your max set, do something you can do for 5 reps and strive for 6, its okay if you dont hit 6 but have someone help you do a forced rep on your last one. Pyramid down the same one you went up. If you did your max easily, add on 2 or 3 pounds and try to get a new max rep high. If you are under 25, you should be able to do a 3on 1off system. Example: Chest, tris shoulders on Monday: Back Bis on Tues: Legs on Wed: rest Thurs: start chest, tris and shoulders again on Friday. Every 4th workourt on try to use dumbells for movements, this will help with strength as well as confuse your body. Just remember not to max out every workout, volume is good, but keep it around 10 sets per bodypart, overtraining is something you do not want encounter, trust me. Strive for 30 to 40 grams of protein every three hours and drink alot of water. Supplement with creating an glutamine if you want. Keep in mind there is no need to load creatine, 5grams works just as well starting out and as maintenance. Make sure you go off creatine and glutamine after 30 days, best to cycle, there is such thing as too much of a good thing. Best of luck!
I doubt you'll be able to get your max up to 170 THAT fast, but the best strength routine for bench(or any lift) is the 5x5 routine. You'll do 5 sets of increasing weight each time. For you and your max, I'd try this- Warm up set- empty bar, or maybe a lil weight. Set 1- 85x5 Set 2- 95x5 Sets 3-5- 105x5 Then throw in more reps if you feel like you can do it; and lower weight if necessary. Be sure and fully heal your soreness before you do another chest day, and you should see results! As the weight and reps get easier, just add more. Work hard, and if you don't notice results right away, remember that progress doesn't come instantly! Good luck!
well benching almost everyday helps but say your max is 100 do that until you can do at least ten reps easy then move up to 105 and just simply repeat also maybe doing pushups will help
Get a strong spotter. And do the heaviest weights you can possibly bench. Even if it means only doing one rep. Get in the rep, and take a break. This causes you to strain and push your muscles to their max. It makes more tissue tear, but when it repairs/heals, you will have bigger and stronger muscles. But I must say, don't get too carried away because it can be very risky.