The plastic nuts which attach to the sink are plastic, and when I try to take them off with a basin wrench then pieces just snap off.
If you are referring to the nuts under the sink then my question is, are you turning the nuts to the LEFT? Remember, lefty loossy, righty tighty.
remember as you are working upside down lefty loosy is not right , it is the reverse I have learnt this by experience
If they do break off, then just buy some new ones. Cheap as Chips.
Tex, If they break, they break. So what. Whatever it takes to get them off. You can also try using a small crescent wrench or a pair of pliers. Whatever it takes.
put pipe wrench (if round basin wrench) or cresent wrench if square on basin wrench to help remove nuts. wd 40 might help but I never used it.