how do i make lemon lime bitters?
Well, the FOOD can be explained by both a current lack of whatever nutrient is in Limes COMBINED with a developmental lack of that nutrient as well. I've been told that my LOVE for Limes and Lemon and sour stuff in general is due to some nutrient I lacked as a child. The color is a tad harder to explain! LOL! (Hae you ever noticed that Lime Green is never the actually color of a lime? [inside or out] LOL!) One thing I had to learn the hard way is to RINSE YOUR MOUTH after eating citrus! I ate so many lemons and limes that the enamal of my front teeth started to show signs of wear from the Acid. DON'T eat a citrus fruit how you eat an orange and bite into the 'meat' and then smile and you see the skin! That just leaves the acids on your teeth longer and is REALLY bad... My uncle... Who happens to be my dentist... had to give me special enamal building toothpaste to offset the damage... He told me he is glad I inhertied the teeth of my father's side of the family, because in others, it wouldn't have been Hum, look at that? it would have been OMG! Something has to be done! And no, your mom eating popsicles before your birth didn't influence you! LOL! I'd have been born with a taste for Pot-Brownies! LOL! Good luck and just be careful with your teeth!
Maybe because you just do. It could be a taste thing, even though limes aren't really that delicious