i live i a rural area with no electricity and have thatched roof
Not so far to fall if you fall out of bed, you don't have to clean under the bed. No monsters can hide under the bed. Things won't get lost under the bed.
I have always stated the only safe place for your bike is under you (riding it), holding it, or inside with you. Drewkulele and his video links prove that the major brand of U locks can be defeated easily. Chains or cables can be cut. I don't own a bicycle lock and have not had any of my bikes stolen in over 48 years of riding. Put your stuff away when you are not using it, and that means inside with you in the case of a bicycle. Inconvenient? Sometimes. NOT as inconvenient as walking when you thought you had a bike to ride. I am so obsessive about not leaving my bike unattended, that I bring them in stores, restaurants, hotels, offices, friends houses, schools, and even porta-johns. (yes, enough room if you stand it on the back wheel) I do it very matter-of-fact and there has never been a time when told to remove the bike. If that happens, I am prepared to just leave the establishment that doesn't want my business.
did may be some one hacked u and locked ur account for specicf time usually two days just wait and see what is going on