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How do I stop my new kitten from attacking my electrical wires and plug-ins?

I have a 9 week old kitten that while playing, she continues to bite or play with my electrical cords from my tv, computer, etc. I have zip tied all of my wires and carefully tucked them away, but when I am not around, she finds them and pulls them out and begins to play with them. She has even taken the plastic baby proof electrical socket covers out and continues to attack the sockets. When I have sen her playing with these things, I have tried to make loud noises and shout no or clap my hands, but all she does is look at me like I am stupid. I don't want her to get hurt, and I am trying to avoid having to buy new cords and cables. What can I do?


Have you tried spraying her with a water bottle? The water bottle will make her run away from the cords to avoid getting wet. It takes a few times, but if you persist, she'll avoid the area where she always gets sprayed. Also, I have used double sided tape as a cat training tool many times. They hate the stickiness. My cats have always learned quickly to avoid anything I put that tape over. On the sockets for example, you could put in the baby protectors then place a piece of double sided tape over it. (be sure to fold a corner over so you can get it off again) Make sure she has plenty of other toys to play with. It sounds like she's a pretty smart little kitten. If she's pulling out stuff you've hidden away, she might be looking for a challenge. Can you hide any toys that she is allowed to play with to make them more interesting? Good luck!
smear a little bit of hot sauce on the wires. It wont damage the wires, and it will stop the kitten from biting the wires. My sister has a cat and her cat had the same problem. she put hot sauce on the wires 1 time and when th cat went to play with the wires, she sniffed them, licked it, and ran to here water. my sister wiped of the hot souce and frisky (the cats name) never went near the wires again.
Make a answer of a million section tabasco sauce a million section water, place in spray bottle. Unplug and spray any cords she is getting at. enable dry Replug the mixture will act as a deterrent while the kitten tries to chunk next
That is definitely a problem. I would get a spray water bottle. You have to be consistent, eventually he will grasp the idea. I've done the water bottle trick with mine since I've had him at 12 weeks old. He is now a year old. He stays away from plants and does not chew on wires. It should work for you as well. Good luck.
I had the same question a few days ago. Using water spray didnt work. She would just look at me and then go back! lol Someone recommended a bitter apple spray. I used this today and she has not touched the wires since! I tried the pepper but felt awful because she cried and so couldnt bring myself to use it anywhere else in the house- maybe I'm just a big softie.)

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