How do i turn the fire alarm off?
A smart person would know that even if the 'caps' are missing on a fire hydrant, it still works. The valve is below ground level, and still works, even if the 'caps' are missing. If it is really defective, you should call the fire dept and report it. Maybe the house you save will be your own. That's way better than scamming the system for a parking spot for your vehicle.
Wow what a question ! I have tried to do this many times and the answer is not a good one . Good is ultimately defined by my own perception of survivability of the individual (me) and the group - my family Province and nation . Morality is an opinion poll revolving around very primitive concepts - Not nice but true. What I think will give me an advantage and help the group I associate with becomes good and also becomes beautiful - Morality and concepts of beauty are in constant movement there is no stasis as the church claims they just claim the change has always existed - odd claim but hey work with what you've got .