How do super low cars get past a speed bump?
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Never ever ever buy an ugly stik they are unbreakable but they are like fishing with a wet noodle. If you want a budget model rod for all purpose fishing that is cheap try a berkley cherrywood in 6 foot six inches medium action (if your shore fishing go with the 7 foot it will help you cast farther) it's only like $20 at walmart and is made of 100% graphite with a nice cork handle. Not like a crappy glass rod, you will never see a pro fish with glass rods like ugly sticks they all use graphite rods and so should you. If you like shakespeare they also make some inexpensive graphite rods good luck
1. Prisoners also tattoo each other. How? I dunno. 2. No. See link below. 3. No. Most people would find it awkward. Men in some areas of Indonesia have a long history of inserting or implanting various objects in their penises. The origin of the practices is unclear, but some writers say that they were copied from Chinese traders who visited the islands, while others argue it is an indigenous innovation related to the use of other forms of amulets and inserts for medicinal and spiritual purposes.