this is revision-how do we know that salt is a compound?how do we know that cake is a mixture?also can you think of some other example is can you please :)i need to write a paragraph for each one
It was okay but the fact that everyone thinks its SOOO good is just annoying. The whole first 1 h 30 was an intro to the movie and then the last battle scene was brutally lame. worst ending to a movie. Actually, all superhero movies have horrid endings except for Batman.
I thought Iron Man was great!! Robert D Jr. did a great job in it!! He came out on The View and stated they are going to make Iron Man 2. Can't wait for that one!!
An element is a collection of atoms that are all the same. So a sheet of copper, an element, contains only copper atoms. Now, go to a compound. A compound is more then one element combined together. So salt, NaCl consists of two elements, so it is a compound. And you cannot really break the compound apart and still have the compound present. Cake is a mixture since it is the combination of many different compounds. Flour, salt, sugar, etc. In theory, you could devise a way to separate out all the different compounds.
It was the best movie ever!(stretched) I can't wait for Iron Man movie 2 and the Avengers in 2011!