in a 1989 f150 i know how but the sterring wheel dont move what da heck
As with anything, there is NO danger as long as you stay within limitations. The only negative for a car tire is less traction when leaning. There is enough traction that you can scrape pegs on clear dry pavement. The limitation kicks in only when hard cornering in the wet and/or over less than desirable surfaces. Which means that if you have a car tire on your motorcycle you take it a bit easier in less than perfect conditions. The people that run car tires do so because the vast majority of their riding is in the vertical position. When they use a motorcycle tire they simply wear out the middle, wasting the 80% of the tire that is used for cornering.
Car tires have a flat tread. Motorcycle tires have a rounded tread so they get traction while leaning in a corner. Cars don't lean in corners. I would think it would be dangerous to use a car tire on a motorcycle, even on a cruiser or touring bike. This is because you would be fighting the bike to lean in a corner. If the bike would lean in a corner you would ride up on the side wall which would give little traction. I wouldn't risk my life to save a few bucks on a tire. Do it right and use a tire designed for the task.
steering wheel isn't supposed to move, you need a wheel alignment and they will center the steering wheel with the toe in adjustments underneath the vehicle.
Alot of cars allow you to take off the steering wheel, not newer cars though because of airbags etc.Pop the front off where the airbag would be on a newer car, use a screwdriver or something! there is one bolt in there, unscrew that and the wheel comes off! if you really want to do it right get a 4 wheel alignment done at a retupable garage, we charge about 45 euro where i work! id say do thatinstead of doing it yourself
is this a serious question? honestly, this kind of thing furthers the old biker stereotypes of stupid, rowdy idiots. As others have already noted, using a car tire is a terrible idea. The tire's shape is not consistent with a motorcycle's handling. the only place you could even dream of getting away with this is at a drag strip, and even then i'd be concerned. Motorcycles simply ask more from tires than cars. A single tire failure on a car is 25% failure. a single tire failure on a motorcycle is 50% failure. A car tire on a motorcycle will wear terribly, handle awful in the rain, and not provide nearly as much grip in the dry. Among the MANY things these people aren't considering are: contour, tread, and weight. a 4,000 lbs car puts about 1,000 lbs of pressure on each tire. That's enough to generate a lot more heat than even the heaviest cruiser. a car tire on a motorcycle will never reach proper operating temperature, and thus never achieve optimal grip. just because you can doesn't mean you should. As my dad would say, your weiner fits a lot of places you shouldn't put it too.