I have a 1998 Chevy S10 and would like to check the transmission fluid levels. How do you check the levels on a vehicle with a manual transmission.
This Site Might Help You. RE: How do you check standard transmission fluid levels? I have a 1998 Chevy S10 and would like to check the transmission fluid levels. How do you check the levels on a vehicle with a manual transmission.
Chevy S10 Transmission Fluid
Let's start with the basics.first of all are you positive you are referring to a manual transmission? If so, then the answer is easy. If not, read the owner's manual. For an automatic transmission, park the vehicle on a level surface and engage the parking brake. Start the engine and allow to warm up to normal operating temperature. Raise the hood and look for the brightly colored dip stick near the firewall. The transmission should be in park when checking fluid. Also check the color and smell of the fluid. Dark red to almost black is an indication of trouble and a burnt smell is another indication of problems. Now for the manual transmission. There should be a small pipe-type plug on the side of the gear case. Simply remove the plug. If no oil runs out, add oil until it does. When full, replace the plug. Check the owner's manual for the correct lubricant, but I think I used to use the heavy rear-end oil (about 80wt). Good luck.