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How do you clean floating floors?

My new house has blonde floating floors and I have no idea how to maintain them. My family doesn't eat or drink outside of the kitchen and we typically take off our shoes at the door. I have a shorthaired little dog who isn't going to be very happy when I try to put doggy house slippers on him because I'm so worried about scratching the floor. I'm OCD; it'd drive me crazy! I ll be using protectors under all furniture.What type of cleaner would one use weekly or biweekly for thorough cleaning on this kind of floor?Is it ok to use a Swiffer spray? I detest vinegar. Can I cover the Swiffer with a dryer sheet or will that coat the floor?Thanks


I would call a local store that installs that kind of floor and ask their advice. Personally, I mop my wood floors with white vinegar and water in a spray bottle. The mop head is only damp.
Sweep floating floors regularly with a broom or dust mop to maintain dust and dirt accumulated through every day traffic. You may also use a vacuum cleaner with a hose attachment to get dust out of corners. Spot clean with a mild cleanser and a damp cloth in the event of spills or other stubborn dirt. Do not use an abrasive scrubber when cleaning dirt and debris from the floor, as this may damage the surface. Never flood the floor with water if you need to mop up a spill, as this will cause permanent damage to the floor. Clean up any puddles of water immediately with a dry cloth or sponge. Clean stubborn nail polish, paint or crusted food stains with a cloth doused in a small amount of nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol. Gently wipe at the debris until it comes clean. Do not scrub. Don't panic if wax gets spilled on your floating floor. Wait for the wax to dry and cool, then scrape it away gently with a plastic scraper. After scraping, use a sponge and mild cleanser to wipe the area clean. Use a piece of ice to harden chewing gum and then scrape it off with a plastic scraping tool the same way you would scrape away wax. Follow up by gently wiping the area with a damp sponge and mild cleanser. Check manufacturer instructions before you clean your floor, as most manufacturers provide their own cleaning tips and instructions to help maintain the longevity of your floor. In some cases, manufacturers will provide their own brand of cleaner.
How To Clean Floating Floors
The floating part means they are not glued down. They are usually installed over concrete or wood sub-floors [supporting floor]. First a thin underlayment is placed directly on the sub-floor, could be thin foam. Then the strips of wood interlock and are laid down, cut and trimmed to fit. Finally baseboard is fitted where it meets the wall to finish the project. If yours is blond, one of the most popular and eco-friendly is bamboo. The bamboo is covered with a durable epoxy or resin to give the shine. Cleaning: First sweep or vacuum up loose dirt, dog hair etc.Then damp [not wet] mop with a laminate and wood floor cleaner. I use one made by Zep. But look for a product that indicates it is suitable for wood and laminate floors. NEVER immerse the floor with water or liquid. Don't spill the cleaner on the floor and wipe it around. Apply the floor cleaner to a sponge mop or similar, then apply to the floor. It is ok to apply the cleaner from a spray applicator directly onto the floor then mop it. The biggest enemy of floating wood/laminate flooring is water leaks like a dishwasher overflowing, washer overflowing. It is generally not used in bathrooms or places where there is a high likelihood of water spills. The underside is generally not sealed and the product absorbs water, then expands and buckles.
How To Clean Floorboards

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