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How do you cure the thimble nail?

How do you cure the thimble nail?


Psoriatic nail involvement, a thimble change, this is because the keratinocyte hyperplasia caused by very fast. Psoriasis is good, and the symptoms disappear. However, it is better to go to see a specialist as soon as possible.
Thimble nail is generally refers to nail point concave changeIf there is a punctate depression (such as a needle sized depression), it indicates a chronic lesion of an organ;If the concave point is larger, it is arranged like a grid, which indicates renal failure;
Thimble nail is generally refers to nail point concave changeIf there is a punctate depression (such as a needle sized depression), it indicates a chronic lesion of an organ;If the concave point is larger, it is arranged like a grid, which indicates renal failure;If there is an irregular concave point, the tip is mostly psoriasis.Of course, it can also be a precursor of onychomycosis: gray spots, wind spots.

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