I am interested in moving to NYC from FloridaI have some (not alot of furniture)I plan on living in NY for about 3 yearsI don't know if I should get new stuff there or bring mineAlso, how would I get it inside since elevators are so smallHow much would it cost a company to move it upstairs?
foil element water compound air compound bananacompound paper mixture
alum-compound water-mixture(H2O) air-mixture banana-compound notebook paper-compound water is not an eleent because Hydrogen and oxygen are elements when you Mix these two they create H2o Air is not an element either becasue its a mixture of elements Air is considered one of the four Earth Elements
Chances are, more importantly than the elevator being small, the apartment will be smallIf you have big furniture you may not want to take itSome furniture that you can fit comfortably in a house or even an apartment in other cities won't fit in typical Manhattan apartmentsOf course I have no idea of the size of your future NYC apartment, I'm just generalizing here.