I think I might be using too fine of grounds they keep getting into my cup. What are some good brands of coffee to use with a French press?
1) Buy a decent press. Bodum has a range of price points and all of them work about the same. I have 2 medium-size presses that make about 2 large mugs worth of coffee at a time. 2) Buy whole beans, ideally freshly roasted from a local roaster, and grind them immediately prior to brewing. Keep your beans stored in an airtight container out of the light (e.g. in a cupboard), and only buy what you can reasonably use within two or three weeks. 3) Use a burr grinder to make a medium-coarse grind. I use a Hario manual grinder. They take some time, but at only $25-30 on Amazon, they're the best value in terms of quality and end result versus price paid for the grinder. Regardless of how coarsely you grind your coffee, odds are there will be some small particles that the filter doesn't catch. That is, in my experience, normal. Just don't drink the last sip or two of coffee.