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how do you get rid of these scent?

my 7 yr old daughters and her cousins put a blanket over a plastic lamp and it made a whole in the lamp. Thank goodness there was no fire! We placed it in the trash and its in the dumpster now, but i mean there is still the smell and its been a week. how do i get it out? P.S i used air freshner 4 times.


Absolutely. All these items are code violations and the landlord could be fined by the city.
Oh the arrogance. Alright, let me disprove all of your supposed proof that the Bible's been proven wrong. Oh wait, you didn't give any. 2 Things: 1) If it were really so obvious that the Bible's wrong, you wouldn't have men with top level educations (doctorate degrees from schools such as Harvard for example) still taking the Bible as the Word of God and calling themselves Christians 2) I've studied the Bible academically and personally for many many years. I am quite certain I know it, and the accusations against it, better than you, and I have yet to run into a single one I couldn't prove wrong. Conclusion: there's a reason millions of people around the world believe it today, and a reason it outlasted the Roman empire by over a thousand years.
people are saying some odd thing here. Archeology has never proven the bible wrong? Check out the Tyre Prophecy - it was prophecied that the city would be destroyed and never be rebuilt ever again. But today there is a city called Tyre in the exact same spot. Someone said Virgin births are acceptable according to science. Are you kidding me!? Someone else said that because academics at Harvard study the bible, it must be true Again, horrible logic - people study Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Jainism, all the world's religions at top institutions - does that mean they are all right!? Hell, people study fiction literature at plenty of academic institutions, that doesn't mean they believe it's all true. About the only response that made sense had to do with points of views. If you take science to be true, then you can evaluate the bible and find it wanting. But you can also do the same thing the opposite way. You can take the bible to be true, and find science wanting. It depends on how you approach it.
Security blanket and fire insurance

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