We live right behind a high school. This means there are lots of 16 year olds who think they can zip around our neighborhood going 40mph in a 25mph area. How can we get people to stop doing this? There are young kids walking around from the elementary school down the street. I'm so afraid someone is going to get hit. I've run out into the street yelling at speeders but I think they just think I'm crazy. Should I try talking to the school?
There has been no proof that metal detectors pose any form of health risk. Trying to prove this in court as a cause for any illness would be very expensive and in the end futile. Best course of action other than asking him to stop following you is to attempt to get a restraining order forcing him to stay several feet away.
When you go to court, do not complain about everything under the sun, it weakens your creditability. Take copies of all your written correspondence with the landlord, including your written complaints. Take any pictures showing the water and mold damage. Make him prove every cent of his damage claim. Insist in written estimates or completed invoices for the work. Normal wear and tear is expected. If the water leak was his responsibility, the mold is too. If the water leak was caused by you, that is different. For 7,000+ costs claim, you really should seek advice from a lawyer. Many will agree to meet with you once, to hear about the case offer advice and propose how they would work with you. INMHO You do not have a counter claim.