I had a candle lit in my room several months ago. I blew at the flame and it did nothing, if not make the flame bigger. I blew harder, and the flame got even bigger. I panicked and tried pouring a little water on it, and the flame went up about 1 foot. I really started panicking, so I grabbed oven mitts, put it in the bathtub, and poured a bucket of water over the candle. The flame went up to the ceiling and the glass around the candle exploded. Just wondering what I should have done to put the flame out, cause obviously what I did wasn't the safest idea, lol
The sun forms every single ray on the spectrum.
In space near Earth temperatures range from over 100 degrees C in direct sunlight to -170 degrees C in the shade. Just like with your fire or radiators at home though the further you are away from the heat source the colder it gets.
is your pilot lazy with a yellow flame? if so the pilot needs cleaned, and that requires unhooking the gas to it pulling out the orifice and cleaning
Very good questionSee heat in the atmosphere as well as in any substance can be conducted by the activity or the cold by the inactivity of molecules. Heat can also be transmitted via radiation, light and mostly infra red. These are magnetic waves that can carry energy from the sun and carry it over to other objects it comes in contact withInfra red is the basic magnetic transmission of heat that is why we use infra red detectors to observe movement of people, cars and planes, as they all emit heat. Hope that is helpful:-)