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How do you recycle your bubblewrap and wooden pallets?

What are other businesses doing with their pallets and their bubblewrap? Inconsistent amounts of each, sometimes a large trashbag or 3 per day of bubblewraps,sometimes one a week,1-10 pallets a week. It seems like such a waste on so many levels. Ideas?


The temperature change could have put him off the feed, as could the water quality, so I would test it. If this is normal try feeding some frozen foods and some live foods if you can get them. Very few fish can resist bloodworm or daphnia, especially when live.
Depending on how quickly the water temperature changed from 84 to 76, that could have stressed him out a bit. Have you checked the water parameters (ammonia, nitrates, nitrites)? When you cleaned the tank did you disturb the filter media at all? How big is your flowerhorn? It is not the end of the world for a fish to not eat for a day or two, sometimes it is actually good for them to have a small fast like that. I would keep offering food to the fish and I'm sure in the net day or so it will start eating again. Remeber to remove the food if the fish dose not eat it though. If the fish dosen't eat in the next few days, I would come back and ask again for any ideas. Make sure everything is right though (temp, ammonia, nitrates, nitrites). MFK
Well, the temperature could very well be the problem. Having a fish that's accustomed to warmer temperatures suddenly in cooler temperatures could trigger a hibernative response. A lot of fish will slow down when water temps fall. The lack of appetite may also possibly be due to an impending illness (which also could have been caused by the temperature fall), but if he's not showing any signs within a few days, that's probably not the case.

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