I have a number of plastic tubes of differing sizes that I need to sand the full length of the inside of. The smallest one is less than a centimeter in diameter. I have some long paintbrush handles that fit very well inside, so I've tried to wrap sandpaper around them and insert them into the tubes, but I don't know of a way to sufficiently attach the sandpaper to the brush handles (and getting rolled up sandpaper stuck inside a thin plastic tube is VERY difficult to remove, let me tell you...). Can anyone offer me any help on this?
force balls of steel wool thru the tubes from both ends with the paintbrush handles
we could be of better help if we new what you were doing.im a cntractor 50 years.
take a wood dowel make a cut in one end for a flap of sand paper to fit in, attach loose end to a drill , turn it on run plastic tubes back and forth on sand flap [make a sanding rod]