Didn't really know how to word the question. Anyway I want to have the mini excavator delivered to my house and picked up as I don't have a big truck w a trailer.Where I want to dig is about a mile down the road and about 200m from there into some woods on land that I own. The terrain is pretty smooth but its a normal wood floor with lots of sticks leaves etc and can get a little bit hillyWhat I want to know is will I be able to straight up drive the excavator from my driveway to that location and back, or will that be too rough of a drive? And how fast do they drive?Side question, do they come with models with attached headlights as my work may carry into the darkThank you very much
They are tracked so will have no difficulty with the terrain you mention. They go along at a fast walking pace. If this is your first time in one, ask the firm who are renting it for a hour lesson on it when it is delivered.
It's simple to operate. Two hand levers. Push right turn righ, etc. Two foot pedals. Left operates the bucket up and down. Right foot press on toe, dumps bucket, press heal to pick it up. It travels at about 10mph, ride depends on the terrrain and the path you take, and most types have front head lights. Seat belt must be on to start machine. Red button will light if hydrolics are locked, press it to release, Going uphill, you'll feel like it's going to tip over backwards. You'll be fine if the bucket is loaded. Go uphill backwards if the hill is too steep. You'll burn desiel fast. Bring a 5 gallon gas tank for extra.
You don't need an hour lesson but ask them to point out what every lever does and just go to town. You'll get the hang of it in no time, just like playing in the sandbox when you were a kid.