I put in two slices of bread in it and it takes about 60 seconds to cook,but when I only put one slice of bread it takes 30 seconds. (My time might be off.)I don't understand?
it depends on the job. at my job, whenever i work with acid, i wear a negative pressure respirator, thick rubber gloves, rubber apron, face shield, and goggles. when i am working elsewhere, just a bump cap, safety glasses and earplugs. there are also harnesses and lanyards for fall protection, and different types of safety gloves for all kinds of applications
Hey There! A few years ago I lived in an apartment that had electric heat and it was WAY too much money to have it turned up enough to keep me warm at night. I never used an electric blanket but what I did do was invest in a great comforter that was super warm, got flannel sheets and pjs and I have to say I was super cozy and they were great long term investments - that was 4 years ago and I still use them in the winter time. Also I found scuddling with my boyfriend was a good warm to keep warm too! ;0)